Special Diets

Find out about intolerance’s, food and chemical sensitivity including Candida, Fructose Malabsorption and Amine and Salicylate sensitivity.

coconut oil post quitting sugar

Quitting Sugar ? – A few tips before you start

If you are pondering or have even attempted to give the processed white stuff the flick and are now teetering about the idea, here's...

Why You Should Avoid Gluten if You Have a Candida Overgrowth

Ever wondered why some people seem to have no sensitivity to gluten, while others do? The answer could be in the following article. For those of...
coconut oil post LCHF

How Does a Low Carb High Fat Diet work?

Low carb High fat, Paleo, Ketogenic, Low carb High protein, Atkins diet. There's a plethora of diet info out there on all of them....

Are Sugar Cravings Simply a Matter of Willpower?

Tried everything to stop that annoying chocolate or sugar fix that hits you fair in the face on a daily basis. Tried resisting the...
Coconut Oil Post Friday Night Frittata

Friday Night Frittata

Friday nights in our house have always been family night.  For years I have made homemade pizza's.  I make my own crust, pizza sauce...
Coconut Oil Post Weekend Muffins

Weekend Muffins

This lovely Weekend Muffin recipe comes from Ella (daughter of a friend of mine). Ella loves to bake and is very good at coming...
coconut oil post sweet potato, kale and coconut soup

Sweet Potato, Kale and Coconut Soup

This Sweet Potato, Kale and Coconut Soup was another menu item featured at my Photo shoot and Food Tasting Day a few weeks back....
coconut oil post choc avo mousse

IQS Choc Avo Mousse

Recently I hosted a food tasting and photo shoot day where I invited a host of friends to road test some recipes for me....
coconut oil post eggplant dip

Fodmap Friendly Eggplant Dip

Baba ghanoush was one of my favourite recipes before I went onto a fodmaps diet. In fact, anything that had eggplant in it was...
coconut oil post stuffed peppers web

Quinoa Stuffed Red Peppers

This recipe comes from the Body Ecology Diet Book. It's a great vegetarian alternative to meat stuffing and goes well with a green salad...