Special Diets

Find out about intolerance’s, food and chemical sensitivity including Candida, Fructose Malabsorption and Amine and Salicylate sensitivity.


Poached Chicken 3 Ways

Here’s a really efficient way of cooking chicken for the week. Recently when I needed to rework our menu to accommodate low fodmap, fructose...
Coconut Oil Post Friday Night Frittata

Friday Night Frittata

Friday nights in our house have always been family night.  For years I have made homemade pizza's.  I make my own crust, pizza sauce...

Starve Candida – Feed the Flora

My sister-in-law sent me an email the other day asking me a question. Q: Have I heard of Threelac? One of my work colleagues has suffered...

11 Tips for starting an Elimination Diet

You have just been given the diagnosis and now you hear those 2 little words that everyone dreads. "Elimination Diet" What does it mean,...

Acne and the Gut – Are they Related?

Recent Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the health of the gut or digestive system and skin conditions such as...

The Land of Fodmap, Fructose Malabsorption, Amines and Salicylates – Part...

  Last week I started a series of posts about fodmaps, fructose malabsorption, amines and salicylates where I talked about fodmap foods. And my daughter...

Chicken Coconut Curry

A great way to use coconut milk is in curries. If you have seen my article on the benefits of coconut milk you will know...

Why You Should Avoid Gluten if You Have a Candida Overgrowth

Ever wondered why some people seem to have no sensitivity to gluten, while others do? The answer could be in the following article. For those of...

Are Sugar Cravings Simply a Matter of Willpower?

Tried everything to stop that annoying chocolate or sugar fix that hits you fair in the face on a daily basis. Tried resisting the...
coconut oil post eggplant dip

Fodmap Friendly Eggplant Dip

Baba ghanoush was one of my favourite recipes before I went onto a fodmaps diet. In fact, anything that had eggplant in it was...