Special Diets

Find out about intolerance’s, food and chemical sensitivity including Candida, Fructose Malabsorption and Amine and Salicylate sensitivity.

coconut oil post quitting sugar

Quitting Sugar ? – A few tips before you start

If you are pondering or have even attempted to give the processed white stuff the flick and are now teetering about the idea, here's...

Berry Bliss – Chocolate and Berry Heaven

If you love berries and you love chocolate then I think you're going to love this recipe. Fashioned after Sarah Wilson's Raspberry Ripple, this...
Coconut oil post Cinnamon Beef Stew

Cinnamon Beef Stew with Orange Gremolata

Cinnamon Beef Stew - who could resist a great stew on an autumn or winters night. This recipe comes from Well Fed: Paleo Recipes...

Coconut Oil and A Quick Remedy For Thrush

If you have read my post on What Does A Yeast Overgrowth Look Like? then you might be looking for a quick remedy for Thrush.  Thrush...

Do Our Children Inherit Our Health Issues

Remember the day when you found out you were pregnant for the first time? I do. It seemed like an eternity of time between...
coconut oil post blueberry custard slice web

Blueberry Custard Slice

I have been practicing converting recipes that I've made previously with wheat flour into GF recipes. Since discovering the combination of Coconut Flour and...
Cultured Vegetables - Coconut Oil Post

Cultured Vegetables

A little while back I did an article on Fermented Vegetables. That recipe was made using the whey and salt method. Some people may find this...
Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut – Do you have it?

When I was first diagnosed with IBS (way back when they called it Spastic Colon - yes you read that right) Leaky Gut was...

Banana and Quinoa-Millet Muffins

These Banana and Quinoa-Millet Muffins make a great afternoon tea or snack for the kids but are also a good breakfast option if you...
coconut oil post quinoa bread

Gluten Free Quinoa Bread

Gluten Free Quinoa Bread is the perfect snack or accompaniment with any meal. Great served with cultured veggies, pesto or with an egg scramble,...