Home Coconut Oil Uses

Coconut Oil Uses

Coconut oil can be used for a zillion different things. From a healing salve to soap or shampoo as well as cooking with it. You will be amazed

coconut oil post DIY magnesium body butter

DIY Magnesium Body Butter

Most of us, believe it or not are deficient in Magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that our bodies need to function well. If...
Coconut Oil Post - Coconut Oil Pulling an aid to Endometrial Hyperplasia

Coconut Oil Pulling an aid to Endometrial Hyperplasia

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS, (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in one of my ovaries. You can read about PCOS here....
Coconut oil post Remineralised Toothpaste and Brush crop

DIY Remineralising Toothpaste Recipe

Why I Needed Remineralising Toothpaste Dental Nightmares My experience with dentists and cavities started at quite a young age. Like most kids, I got hustled off...
coconut oil post fresh coconut and lime

Coconut Milk and Lemon Juice – The Perfect Hair Conditioning Treatment

If you are looking for a "1 treatment fit all solution" then Coconut Milk and Lemon Juice Hair Conditioning Treatment could be the answer....

Oil Pulling – An Aid to my Tooth Infection

Last July I wrote an article about Oil Pulling - Can It Help With Fighting Disease. I mentioned at the time that I was...
Coconut Oil for Head Lice treatment.

Coconut Oil for Head Lice Treatment

Coconut Oil for Head Lice Treatment Head lice are not usually at the top of most people’s conversation list but not talking about it won’t...
Photo by Jessica Espinoza

Homemade Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe

To all of the Northern Hemisphere "lucky duckies" who are now soaking up the beautiful summer sun from all of the Southern Hemisphere not...
coconut oil post 6 steps to beautiful hands and nails

6 Steps to Beautiful Hands and Nails

Winter often means cracked, dry hands, broken nails and torn cuticles. In the outdoors you have cold air and wind while indoors you have...

Natural Remedies for Chronic Illness

My book has just been published! If you or a family member are struggling with chronic illness or nagging symptoms then Natural Remedies for...
Coconut Oil Post Coconut Oil Cleansing Recipe

Coconut Oil Cleanser Recipe

If you have read any of my other posts on skin care and hair care, you will know I'm not a fan of using...