Coconut Oil Uses

Coconut oil can be used for a zillion different things. From a healing salve to soap or shampoo as well as cooking with it. You will be amazed


Nut and Date Protein Balls

This is a great recipe for snacks, a pre or post exercise boost or for picnics or even for entertaining. It's a paleo recipe...
coconut and coconut oil

15 Ways to use Coconut Oil that doesn’t involve Swallowing it!

Lets face it not everyone enjoys the taste of coconut whether it's the fruit or the oil. It wasn't until I spoke with a...
Coconut oil post - Coconut oil for Dry Skin

Coconut Oil for Dry Skin

Coconut oil for dry skin is one of the best natural moisturisers for skin that money can buy and I'll tell you why in...

Fight Back The Flu this Winter with Foods from your Kitchen

Well whether we like it or not, winter is on it's way which brings it's share of bugs, flu's and colds. To help avoid...

Acne and the Gut – Are they Related?

Recent Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the health of the gut or digestive system and skin conditions such as...

Coconut Oil Fights Tooth Decay

I love it when: not long after posting my recipe for Homemade Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste I read the following articles that are proving that coconut...

Gelatin – a natural anti ageing supplement

  I get so excited when I discover a way of meeting needs that does not require me to buy shares in some industrial or...
Coconut Oil Post Relaxing

Banaban Virgin Coconut Oil Tropical Spice Sugar Scrub

Banaban Virgin Coconut Oil TROPICAL SPICE Sugar Scrub My beauty routine needs to be quick, easy, efficient and contain extra virgin coconut oil, so I'm...