Coconut Oil Uses

Coconut oil can be used for a zillion different things. From a healing salve to soap or shampoo as well as cooking with it. You will be amazed

Photo by Jessica Espinoza

Homemade Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe

To all of the Northern Hemisphere "lucky duckies" who are now soaking up the beautiful summer sun from all of the Southern Hemisphere not...
Homemade Whipped Coconut Body Butter

Homemade Whipped Coconut Body Butter

This homemade whipped coconut body butter is the perfect way to keep your coconut oil from becoming too solid in the colder temperatures. I...
coconut-oil-post-Is-coconut-oil-good-for-youfresh coconut

The Simplest Way To Use Coconut Oil

Yes, the benefits for using Coconut Oil are numerous and the most enjoyable is to add Coconut Oil into our cooking.

Lavender and Vanilla Coconut Oil Rub Stick

Wanting to make something special for your Mum or grandma this Mother's Day, how about treating them to a little skin pamper with this...
sugar scrubs 2

Make Your Own Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

While I love going to a great day spa and having head to toe beauty treatments, the down side is that they are way...
Coconut Oil Post - Palm

My Daily Dose of Coconut Oil

What does my day look like using Coconut Oil My life centres around homeschooling, home duties and working on my blog and in my husbands...

Fight Back The Flu this Winter with Foods from your Kitchen

Well whether we like it or not, winter is on it's way which brings it's share of bugs, flu's and colds. To help avoid...
Coconut Oil for Head Lice treatment.

Coconut Oil for Head Lice Treatment

Coconut Oil for Head Lice Treatment Head lice are not usually at the top of most people’s conversation list but not talking about it won’t...

Natural Remedies for The Winter Season

Winter is here..... and for the next 3 months I will navigate each day with as many methods and remedies I can manage in...
WeeK 4 Oil Pulling Challenge

Week 4 – 30 Day Oil Pulling Challenge

Week 4 of the 30 Day Oil Pulling Challenge Starts today but it's not too late. I'm hoping that way after the 30 day mark...