I love it when: not long after posting my recipe for Homemade Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste I read the following articles that are proving that coconut oil is getting the recognition that it deserves.  The following stories all indicate via studies that coconut oil will kill bacteria including Streptococcus mutans, the major cause of tooth decay and attack the yeast Candida albicans, the cause of thrush.

Coconut oil fights tooth decay and could find its way into toothpaste and mouthwash, research suggests.
Scientists found that when the oil was treated with digestive enzymes it became a powerful killer of mouth bugs.
The bacteria it attacked included Streptococcus mutans, an acid-producing microbe that is a major cause of tooth decay…….Tests already suggest that enzyme-treated coconut oil is harmful to the yeast Candida albicans, the cause of thrush.
Read the full article here: www.huffingtonpost.co.uk
Coconut oil can act as a natural antibiotic and help fight the sugar-loving bacterium that causes tooth decay, according to a new study.
Scientists found that coconut oil fights tooth decay and could find its way into toothpaste and mouthwash as an active ingredient……..Brady added that his findings could prove to be important considering the problem of bugs’ increasing resistance to many existing antibiotic treatments.
Read full article here:Â http://www.deccanherald.com/
Researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland have come up with a new discovery that tooth decay can be prevented with coconut oil, as per a recent report.
It is being affirmed by the team that coconut oil can be used amongst dental care products for its amazing after-effects. The bacterium responsible for causing decay of teeth is effectively attacked by the coconut oil.
Read full article here:Â http://topnews.net.nz/
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