Home Coconut Oil Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits

The benefits of Coconut Oil are well documented and range from Weight loss, Health, Diabetes, Healthy Hair and skin

coconutoilpost can coconut oil help with weight loss

Can Coconut Oil help with Weight Loss

Can Coconut Oil help with Weight Loss? Weight loss is so much more than just what diet you are trying or the latest trend in...

Antibiotic resistance and why there are Super Bugs

Do Antibiotics have a lot to answer to? Antibiotic Resistance has become a worldwide issue..... The development of antibiotics was one of the most important advances...
Coconut Oil Post - Where does coconut oil come from?

Homemade Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste

So I ferment vegetables and pull oil, am I a hippy, maybe, more to the point I like to know what goes into my...
Coconut Oil Post Healthy Food

Digestive and Colon Health in Children

Just recently my sister in law and family stayed with us briefly while out on holiday from Sweden. She was telling me the story...
Coconut Oil Post Coconut Oil Cleansing Recipe

Coconut Oil Cleanser Recipe

If you have read any of my other posts on skin care and hair care, you will know I'm not a fan of using...
coconut oil post how to oil pull

How to Oil Pull

How to Oil Pull and Frequently Asked Questions Some of the most popular articles that I've written that also attract many comments are on Oil...
Photo by Jessica Espinoza

Homemade Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe

To all of the Northern Hemisphere "lucky duckies" who are now soaking up the beautiful summer sun from all of the Southern Hemisphere not...
Coconut Oil Post

Banaban Products from Nature Pacific

I've added another preferred supplier to my list for coconut oil and products. Banaban products from Nature Pacific are not only good value for...
Coconut-Oil-Post-Weight Loss

Is Coconut Oil The Magic Ingredient to Weight Loss

Weight loss...love it or hate it If only there was a pill, tonic, etc that would make the process of losing weight EeeeeeZzzzzY!! Ha! No...

7 Resistant Starch Recipes

Need some gut-loving Resistant Starch Recipes. Want to know what Resistant starch is and why you should be eating it. Check out Resistant Starch: What...