Special Diets

Find out about intolerance’s, food and chemical sensitivity including Candida, Fructose Malabsorption and Amine and Salicylate sensitivity.

coconut oil post quitting sugar

Quitting Sugar ? – A few tips before you start

If you are pondering or have even attempted to give the processed white stuff the flick and are now teetering about the idea, here's...
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Strawberry Smoothie Bliss Balls

I was in a real dilemma about what to call this recipe. I wanted to call them Strawberry Smoothie Fat Bombs but my DD...
coconut oil post LCHF Diabetes

Can a Low Carb High Fat Diet work for Diabetes?

I'm so excited about what I'm about to share for 2 reasons. 1) I had the opportunity to interview a good friend of mine and...
coconut oil post nourishing bone broth 2

Nourishing Bone Broth

Your grandmother most likely made them and if not then your great grandmother would have most definitely. Bone Broths are a food that while...
Cultured Vegetables - Coconut Oil Post

Cultured Vegetables

A little while back I did an article on Fermented Vegetables. That recipe was made using the whey and salt method. Some people may find this...

Berry Bliss – Chocolate and Berry Heaven

If you love berries and you love chocolate then I think you're going to love this recipe. Fashioned after Sarah Wilson's Raspberry Ripple, this...
Coconut oil post Cinnamon Beef Stew

Cinnamon Beef Stew with Orange Gremolata

Cinnamon Beef Stew - who could resist a great stew on an autumn or winters night. This recipe comes from Well Fed: Paleo Recipes...

Bacon and Egg Cupcakes

Since I decided to go fruit free and grain free it took me a bit of thinking and researching as to what I could...
coconut oil post LCHF

How Does a Low Carb High Fat Diet work?

Low carb High fat, Paleo, Ketogenic, Low carb High protein, Atkins diet. There's a plethora of diet info out there on all of them....
coconut oil post choc avo mousse

IQS Choc Avo Mousse

Recently I hosted a food tasting and photo shoot day where I invited a host of friends to road test some recipes for me....