
Diets, weight loss and exercise for a better lifestyle


Free Online Event: The Healthy Gut Summit

Need a little light on your gut issues! If you are one of my regular readers you will know that I've had gut issues...

Why Go Gluten Free

Hands Up - Who Needs To Go Gluten Free? Why go gluten free? I recently read an article that caught my attention, got me thinking and...
coconut oil post avocado superfood

Avocado Superfood

This beautiful pear shaped fruit with it's delicious creamy flesh perfect for topping toast, slicing into a salad or mashing into a delightful dip...
coconut and coconut oil

Are Your Skin Care Products Causing You Damage?

Do you know what potential dangers lurk within your skin care products! Are your skin care products causing you damage? You don't have to live...

Natural Remedies for Acne

Update - Some folk have raised the question of whether Coconut oil is really an option for Acne or troubled skin. So after a further...

Coconut Oil and A Quick Remedy For Thrush

If you have read my post on What Does A Yeast Overgrowth Look Like? then you might be looking for a quick remedy for Thrush.  Thrush...
Coconut oil post Remineralised Toothpaste and Brush crop

DIY Remineralising Toothpaste Recipe

Why I Needed Remineralising Toothpaste Dental Nightmares My experience with dentists and cavities started at quite a young age. Like most kids, I got hustled off...

What’s the Stress about Cortisol!

Ode to walk on a tropical beach for all of our days and dash away the stress and the cortisol! If only! So what is...
Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut – Do you have it?

When I was first diagnosed with IBS (way back when they called it Spastic Colon - yes you read that right) Leaky Gut was...
Coconut Oil Post Organic Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil: A Tropical Disease-Fighting Super-Oil?

Will coconut oil ever have the scientific proof that it works? I read this article recently and was thrilled with the great plug for coconut...