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Diets, weight loss and exercise for a better lifestyle

Fight Back The Flu this Winter with Foods from your Kitchen

Well whether we like it or not, winter is on it's way which brings it's share of bugs, flu's and colds. To help avoid...

6 Tips to Survive the Festive Season

No matter how you celebrate the Christmas/New Year holiday, I know you will love these 6 Tips to Survive the Festive Season. I love...

7 Alternative Treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder S.A.D.

I mentioned in my last post that I struggle with S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder, sometimes called the “winter blues”. S.A.D. - Seasonal Affective Disorder Is directly...

Gelatin – a natural anti ageing supplement

  I get so excited when I discover a way of meeting needs that does not require me to buy shares in some industrial or...

DIY Antibacterial Handwash

Why would you need to DiY Antibacterial Handwash? After all, the supermarket and speciality stores have shelves of them, all with pretty smells and...
Soy whey protein diet

Is Sugar The Real Poison In Our Diets

Sugar and Why I Quit 4 years ago when I was weighing about 49 kilograms and looking like death warmed up I was finally diagnosed...
coconut oil post oil pulling

Coconut Oil Pulling and Why you Should Be Doing it?

I've written a number of articles on coconut oil pulling which generate many questions. This article goes into more detail of Coconut Oil Pulling...
Coconut oil post Remineralised Toothpaste and Brush crop

DIY Remineralising Toothpaste Recipe

Why I Needed Remineralising Toothpaste Dental Nightmares My experience with dentists and cavities started at quite a young age. Like most kids, I got hustled off...

Coconut Oil and A Quick Remedy For Thrush

If you have read my post on What Does A Yeast Overgrowth Look Like? then you might be looking for a quick remedy for Thrush.  Thrush...
I Quit Surar iqs christmas cookbook

How To Have A Sugar Free Christmas

Fancy enjoying christmas with out all the nasties! Well at least the white crystal stuff - better known as sugar. You can read my...