Coconut Oil Uses

Coconut oil can be used for a zillion different things. From a healing salve to soap or shampoo as well as cooking with it. You will be amazed

coconut oil post 6 steps to beautiful hands and nails

6 Steps to Beautiful Hands and Nails

Winter often means cracked, dry hands, broken nails and torn cuticles. In the outdoors you have cold air and wind while indoors you have...

Fight Back The Flu this Winter with Foods from your Kitchen

Well whether we like it or not, winter is on it's way which brings it's share of bugs, flu's and colds. To help avoid...
coconut oil post how to oil pull

How to Oil Pull

How to Oil Pull and Frequently Asked Questions Some of the most popular articles that I've written that also attract many comments are on Oil...

Is Your Acne Caused By Candida?

Way back when I was a teenager, battling IBS, yeast infections, candida and a myriad of other symptoms I also had terrible outbreaks of...
coconut oil post oil pulling

Coconut Oil Pulling and Why you Should Be Doing it?

I've written a number of articles on coconut oil pulling which generate many questions. This article goes into more detail of Coconut Oil Pulling...
coconut and coconut oil

15 Ways to use Coconut Oil that doesn’t involve Swallowing it!

Lets face it not everyone enjoys the taste of coconut whether it's the fruit or the oil. It wasn't until I spoke with a...
coconut-oil-post-Is-coconut-oil-good-for-youfresh coconut

The Simplest Way To Use Coconut Oil

Yes, the benefits for using Coconut Oil are numerous and the most enjoyable is to add Coconut Oil into our cooking.
Coconut Oil Post Relaxing

Banaban Virgin Coconut Oil Tropical Spice Sugar Scrub

Banaban Virgin Coconut Oil TROPICAL SPICE Sugar Scrub My beauty routine needs to be quick, easy, efficient and contain extra virgin coconut oil, so I'm...

Homemade Coconut Aftershave Balm – A Father’s Day Gift

Just in time for Fathers Day (for all the Northern Hemisphere readers), a great DIY Aftershave Balm and Astringent recipe. For that special man...
Treating Urinary Tract Infections Naturally

Treating Urinary Tract Infections Naturally

When I started school at the tiny age of 5 I had a major problem with anxiety and consequently of controlling my bladder (to...