If you have read my post on What Does A Yeast Overgrowth Look Like? then you might be looking for a quick remedy for Thrush. Thrush is one of the many symptoms of a yeast overgrowth. Here’s a few causes both external and internal that can bring about a bout of Thrush.
A Quick Remedy for Thrush – scroll down
Internal factors that cause thrush
Poor health or diet:
For example food such as sugar, dairy products, coffee, tea and wine contribute to thrush by increasing urinary sugar which in turn encourages the growth of yeast in the vagina.
These may increase the growth of yeast as antibiotics kill friendly bacteria which keep yeast in the vagina under control. Also the underlying illness may cause the body to weaken, giving yeast the opportunity to multiply more easily.
Hormone levels during pregnancy may create high levels of sugars in vaginal secretions, which result in the growth of yeast in the vagina.
Menstrual blood affects the vagina by changing the acidity of the vagina. Tampons and towels may also increase the chance of thrush especially if tampons are kept in too long as they will also change the pH balance of the vagina. Towels also provide a moist and warm environment for yeast to multiply.
As diabetes increases blood sugar levels including in the vaginal secretions. Diabetic women also tend to have high sugar levels in their urine and this may contribute to thrush by feeding yeast in the genital area just outside of the vagina.
Contraceptive Pills:
There is a chance that a high dose contraceptive pill may also cause thrush while there is no evidence that a low dose contraceptive pill causes thrush.
Emotional or physical stress:
Stress may increase the risk of thrush as it affects your immune system and in turn making you more vulnerable to thrush.
Chemotherapy weakens your immune system, making you more prone to thrush.
External factors that cause thrush
Sexual Intercourse:
External stimuli may change the balanced environment of the vagina and in turn lead to the growth of yeast in this area.
Perfumed soaps and bubble baths:
These products may increase the risk of thrush as they increase the natural acidity (pH) of the vagina or damage the tissues.
Wearing tight synthetic clothing:
Prevent air from circulating and can create a warm, moist place for thrush to develop.
Helpful Tips
• Avoid tight, synthetic clothing; loose, cotton knickers may help• Avoid perfumed soaps, gels and bubble baths and vaginal deodorants
Article by All you need to know about thrush
Coconut Oil Treatment for Thrush –
Coconut oil is packed with MCFAs (medium chain fatty acids). These fatty acids is what gives coconut oil it’s amazing antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Here are some guidelines for using coconut oil for treating thrush.
- Omit sugar, fruit and grains from your diet (until symptoms subside)
- Take coconut oil internally – up to 3 tablespoons a day
- Oil pull with coconut oil – will help to flush out toxins
- Use coconut oil topically – soak a small tampon in coconut oil and insert. Leave it in overnight. Repeat process until symptoms disappear.
- Avoid antibiotics if possible.
A Quick Remedy For Thrush
A quick remedy for vaginal thrush.
- 1 cup warm filtered water
- 2 drops tea tree oil
- 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
- Mix all ingredients together and apply with a cloth of cotton wool square.
- Alternatively soak a tampon and insert. Leave it overnight.