Antibiotic resistance and why there are Super Bugs
Do Antibiotics have a lot to answer to?
Antibiotic Resistance has become a worldwide issue.....
The development of antibiotics was one of the most important advances...
Free Online Event: The Healthy Gut Summit
Need a little light on your gut issues! If you are one of my regular readers you will know that I've had gut issues...
How To Make Your Own Magnesium Oil
Are you suffering from magnesium deficiency? Â Well it's not surprising as most of us are. Â That's why making your own magnesium oil would...
Coconut Spiced Turmeric Milk
Coconut spiced turmeric milk, also known as "Golden milk" is an ancient Ayurvedic recipe, brimming with incredible health benefits. My Coconut Spiced Turmeric Milk...
Coconut Oil – A Natural Alternative To Antibiotics
More than ever before in history have we needed to start looking for sustainable solutions to prevent and cure illness and disease. Coconut Oil...
Is Your Gut Bacteria Keeping You Healthy or Making You Sick?
Gut Bacteria: Could it be the cause of weight gain, mental health problems and immune related conditions?
Bacteria get plenty of blame when you get...
6 Tips to Survive the Festive Season
No matter how you celebrate the Christmas/New Year holiday, I know you will love these 6 Tips to Survive the Festive Season. I love...
Leaky Gut – Do you have it?
When I was first diagnosed with IBS (way back when they called it Spastic Colon - yes you read that right) Leaky Gut was...
Homemade Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste
So I ferment vegetables and pull oil, am I a hippy, maybe, more to the point I like to know what goes into my...
Coconut Oil Detox – A New Year A Better You
Be The Best Version Of You. A belated merry christmas and trusting that you had a joyous festive time with family and friends. I've...