Coconut Oil Benefits

The benefits of Coconut Oil are well documented and range from Weight loss, Health, Diabetes, Healthy Hair and skin

Food Principles that I try to live by

I don't want to be known as the Paleo girl or the BED woman or even the Coconut lady as I don't want to...
sugar scrubs 2

Make Your Own Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

While I love going to a great day spa and having head to toe beauty treatments, the down side is that they are way...
Coconut Oil Post Size versus Fitness

Size versus Fitness

If you have read any of my articles on my personal journey of weight loss, you will know that I spent some time on...
Coconut Oil Post

Banaban Products from Nature Pacific

I've added another preferred supplier to my list for coconut oil and products. Banaban products from Nature Pacific are not only good value for...
Coconut Oil Is It Good For You - Coconut Oil Post

Is Coconut Oil Good For You

Yes! Coconut oil is good for you. It's like a medicine chest in a nutshell. It can cure almost any ailment, infection, virus, or...
Coconut Oil Post - Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk Benefits

I have written many posts about coconut oil and how it's used and the health benefits it provides but coconut milk has just as...
Coconut Oil Post Healthy Food

Digestive and Colon Health in Children

Just recently my sister in law and family stayed with us briefly while out on holiday from Sweden. She was telling me the story...
Coconut Oil Post - Coconut Milk

Is Your Gut Bacteria Keeping You Healthy or Making You Sick?

Gut Bacteria: Could it be the cause of weight gain, mental health problems and immune related conditions? Bacteria get plenty of blame when you get...

Coconut Oil Fights Tooth Decay

I love it when: not long after posting my recipe for Homemade Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste I read the following articles that are proving that coconut...
Coconut Oil Post - Where does coconut oil come from?

Homemade Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste

So I ferment vegetables and pull oil, am I a hippy, maybe, more to the point I like to know what goes into my...