Natural Remedies for Acne
Update - Some folk have raised the question of whether Coconut oil is really an option for Acne or troubled skin. So after a further...
Coconut oil soap
Coconut oil for soap has been used for years by most manufacturers producing soap products. Coconut oil produces the best quality and richest lather...
Coconut Oil and A Quick Remedy For Thrush
If you have read my post on What Does A Yeast Overgrowth Look Like? then you might be looking for a quick remedy for Thrush. Thrush...
Gelatin – a natural anti ageing supplement
I get so excited when I discover a way of meeting needs that does not require me to buy shares in some industrial or...
Coconut Lotion Bars
The convenient way to apply coconut oil as a lotion bar
Uses for Coconut Lotion Bars:
Here are some ways and ideas for using Lotion Bars.
Are Your Skin Care Products Causing You Damage?
Do you know what potential dangers lurk within your skin care products!
Are your skin care products causing you damage? You don't have to live...
Coconut Oil for Skin Care
The Natural Approach To Skin Care
When I first started using Extra Virgin Coconut Oil I was advised to not take it orally as I...