Ever wondered why some people seem to have no sensitivity to gluten, while others do?
The answer could be in the following article.
For those of us who feel better when gluten is not a part of our diet, chances are that gluten has been detected in our gut at one of the following times and triggered an immune response.
- when we have had food poisoning
- when we have had an infection and/or
- antibiotic use
- excessive alcohol consumption resulting in alcohol poisoning
- a combination of poor diet and lack of sleep over a long period of time
All of these situations lead to the one thing – an imbalance in our inner ecology.
Candida, bacterial overgrowth and inflammation along the gut lining are products of an imbalance of the inner ecology. These conditions can trigger the immune system to send an alarm. If gluten is present while the gut is subject to any of the above, the immune system will be triggered and react to the gluten.
Unfortunately gluten in these cases can then create “leaky gut”, where the lining of the gut is damaged and then allows for particles of foods and proteins to enter the bloodstream.
So this is Why you should avoid gluten if you have a candida overgrowth.
Read the rest of this article here: Why You Should Avoid Gluten
Going gluten free is not always enough.
Removing the trigger ie: gluten from the diet will certainly make you feel better but you are still left with the damage on the gut lining that’s taken place because of the inflammation and sensitivity overload.
It is essential then to nourish the good bacteria in the gut with specific strains of beneficial bacteria and yeast found in fermented vegetables and probiotic liquids, as well as to heal the gut lining with covalent bonded glutamine found in Vitality SuperGreen.
You can purchase any of these products from yourdigestion.com in Australia – call Anji 0415 992 494 and mention that you are a coconut oil post subscriber for a 5% discount on all products.
If you are outside of Australia you can purchase from Body Ecology.com.
Things to Remember:
1.If gluten is detected in your gut at a time when your inner ecology is out of balance, chances are an immune response will be triggered and gluten intolerance will be the result.
2.Gluten can inflame the lining of the gut and cause “leaky gut”.
3.Removing Gluten from the diet is only half the solution.
4.For full recovery of the gut lining and gut ecology, beneficial bacteria must be a part of your daily diet.