Tried everything to stop that annoying chocolate or sugar fix that hits you fair in the face on a daily basis. Tried resisting the urge, distracting yourself with work, TV, reading. If will power can be used to break bad habits and reform good ones, surely you can beat this sugar addiction! Right? But are sugar cravings simply a matter of willpower! Maybe not!
Candida and nutritional deficiencies may in fact be your problem.
Both Candida overgrowth and nutritional deficiencies can feed a voracious appetite—particularly one that demands sugar!
Candida is a yeast normally found in the gastrointestinal tract and in a healthy inner ecosystem good bacteria will compete against candida to occupy space in the gut.
However if there is not enough good bacteria due to:
- antibiotic use
- infection or food poisoning
- many years of poor eating
- excessive alcohol consumption and drug use
chances are the candida will take over and create havoc. This will cause the inner ecosystem to become imbalanced and for candida to overtake the gut.
Candida thrives on sugar. When we eat foods that contain sugar, (bread, pastries, fruits, desserts, and some starchy vegetables and some grains) we are essentially feeding the candida, therefore fuelling it to grow more and create more sugar cravings.
Sugar also damages the immune system which then lowers it’s ability to respond to damaging candida overgrowth, reducing the chances of the body being able to stop and eliminate the candida.
Nutritional Deficiencies can also cause sugar cravings.
Read the rest of this article here: Goodbye Sugar Cravings
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