Recent Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the health of the gut or digestive system and skin conditions such as acne. Not that these studies are new, probably more like recycled. Studies taken in the 1930’s had shown a relationship between the gut and the skin and that there was a unique relationship between them.
IMO I could of told researchers years ago that the 2 were related as it seemed no coincidence that my experience was exactly that. Years of digestive and gut problems alongside sever acne that was with me until my 30’s. Those who have or had a bout of candida in there lifetime will be more susceptible to acne and related skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, cold sores, mouth ulcers, skin fungal infections (athletes foot or nappy rash in babies).
So how is Acne and the Gut related? By the immune system. The immune system can affect the gut/skin, likewise the gut/skin can affect the immune system. Up until now most therapies include antibiotics, benzol peroxide and other harsh chemical formulas. Even the most well meaning skin care companies have not been able to come up with many products that offer relief and or healing from what is a painful and humiliating condition.
However, with this new information and research, treating acne may be as easy as 1,2,3. What they discovered in the 1930’s showed that good gut bacteria can help heal inflamed skin.
Treat the gut with these 3 amazing foods and you should start to see good results with reducing acne!
3. Body Ecology’s fermented drinks – you can purchase Body Ecology products in Australia from
Also while coconut oil is not always recommended for topically using on the skin, use a maintenance dose taken orally to help fight off any rogue bugs and boost the immune in general.
Read the full article here