Coconut Oil Post has had a redesign and I hope you will enjoy the change as much as I am. I could go into all the techno talk about why and how but I’m not the techno head in the family and have to give all the credit to my husband Peter, from Icon Innovations for rebuilding the site. Now, hopefully, it is much faster and the categories are more clear, which makes getting around the site quicker and with less confusion.
Here are some of the features that have been added in:
Start Here page: If you are new to the site or just want to take a quick tour around than the this page will help answer your questions and give you a good overview of what to look for and where to find it.
Store: I’m excited to say that Coconut Oil Post now has it’s own shopping cart, where you can buy hand selected books, groceries, and oils. The cart is linked to affiliate products that I will make a small commission on. This will help keep Coconut Oil Post alive and working, (thanks in advance if you choose to purchase). I hope having the store will make purchasing easy and enjoyable. Over the next few months I hope to do book and product reviews that will make your decisions even easier.
Affiliates: Currently I am affiliated with –
Niulife – coconut oil and products
Nature Pacific – coconut oil and products
Amazon – groceries, books, oils, flours
Body Ecology – BED books, cultures, supplements for candida support. The BED website is in the US and can only ship items within the US, if you are looking for BED products from Australia then you can order from or you can ring Anji 0415 992 494 for a 5% discount on most products simply by mentioning Coconut Oil Post.
IQS (I Quit Sugar) – books by Sarah Wilson.
Presently some of the affiliate links are not working but are in the process of being fixed. Thanks for your patience.
Ingredients: The Ingredients category has articles and recipes about coconut flour and coconut milk and will over time expand to include more.
Special Diets: A new category that has a range of diets from Candida, Fodmap, Amine and Salicylate Intolerance and will also grow to include GAPS, SCD and Paleo.
Cooking for Poppet: Last but certainly not least I will be soon starting a category full of recipes that I cook for my daughter. As with many intolerances and sensitivities, it never seems to be text book. While my daughter has fructose malabsorption, fodmap intolerance, and amine and salicylate intolerance’s, she is not intolerant to all foods that would pertain to those diets. As it is with most people, no two are alike, and what one person can tolerate, another one can’t. For this reason I couldn’t really put up recipes saying they fall under a particular diet or sensitivity. So still wanting to share the recipes with you, as I’m sure they will help those with sensitivities anyway, I decided to give my nearly 17 year old her very own category. I hope they will be helpful to all those folk out there who struggle, just like I do, to put up an appetising meal 7 days a week!!
Coming soon…. meal plans!!
And I’m on the lookout for Guest Authors!! As much as I love writing solo, I know there are lots of amazing health and wellness freaks out there who have great tips, advice and how to’s that they are just wanting to share. If you are one or know of one, please, head over to my Contributing Authors page and fill out the form. Can’t wait to hear from you.
Subscribe, RSS feeds and social share buttons: Unfortunately the RSS subscribers have not transferred over to the new site, so sign up for regular updates and a newsletter into your inbox or follow me on Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter.
Well that’s it for now. What do you think of the new site? What would you like more of? Recipes, Reviews, How To’s? I’d love to hear from you and any feedback you might have.
Leave a comment or send out some sharing power.